music ©by mafish, text ©by ralf moß

Look around
What do you see
Look around
It’s not what seems

Look around
I know what you see
Look around
Do you know what it is

Turn around
And Look
Look Around
And see
What’s in your eyes

Look around
I know what it is
Look around
It’s not what it seems

Look around
What do you see
Look around
Only dreams

Turn around
And look
Look around
And see
There is life

Look around
What do you see
Look around
It's not what it seems

Look around
What do you see
Look around
Only dreams

The conclusion
Of your

You can’t get
What you see

That is life
But you can be

What you want in second life but you have to recognize
That is not
What it seems

You can be
What you want

You can live
A second life

But back in reality this is what you really be:
Nothing more
Then yourself

Look around
Look around
Look around
Look around

You Dive into another world